So I had my students answer two questions today as they gave me feedback about the arts festival.
First Question:
"What did you do or experience at the arts festival that you most appreciated?"
The students listed no less than 28 different favorite things!
Some of the most popular items included Thunderbody, a fantastic band that continued to make music later that evening at Ribfest after already doing two one-hour sets in the 90 degree heat of the arts festival. Henna tattoos, the dunk tank (where students could dunk their teachers), the drum circle, face painting, screen printed bandanas, watching the progress of the Visiting Artists throughout the day, and pottery were also among the 28 favorites.
Rocket Launch (Physics Students)
Skateboarding demonstrations
Pottery lessons were run mostly by our students!
FYI... Those of you who used the wheel at the festival please pick up your fired work anytime after June 4th from art room 1150 so that you bring it home. We only had a few of your name markers
blow away in the wind, so yours should be waiting for you until June 15th.
After that, I make no guarantees that your work will still be here.
Ed Keegan from Rhythm Connect in Fairport led students in a drum Circle.
I love the looks of complete concentration!
Our food services staff found a Medal Winning ice sculptor who was
willing to share his talents with us!
The second question I asked students was:
"What would make the arts festival better next year?"
My favorite response.... Sprinklers! If it's 90 degrees again... I can certainly make that happen. AWESOME idea!!! Students also suggested more food, more art activities to participate in, more shade and less heat. I'll talk to Mother Nature about that! There were also some practical considerations that I will put into place based on student responses to minimize time spent waiting in lines.
Thanks again to all the students, staff, sound crew, maintenance staff, security personnel, outdoor maintenence crews, PTSA, music staff, and many others who made the event such a success.
What a great community to work with!